Beloved: Diocesan Women's Conference
Ready for a conference that doesn’t just lecture, but pulls you into the heart of God? More like a spiritual retreat, the Diocesan Women’s Conference: Beloved offers the women of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester a day and a half of reflection, Sacraments, joy and sisterhood!
Beginning Friday evening at the Wine & Cheese Social, women can mingle, share, meet the speakers and be affirmed in their faith all the while listening to the beautiful tones of the seminarian jazz ensemble: Immaculate Jazz. The Social is a time to let your hair down and have fun with friends!
Saturday is all about you: who you are as a daughter of God the Father. On this beautiful Feast Day of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, we celebrate the “Little Way” of approaching God as His daughter. We will have gifts for you on arrival and some refreshments! There will also be the opportunity to see all that is happening within our diocese and meet some of the different Religious Sisters! Our inspiring speakers will lift your heart and mind closer to God, and there will be plenty of time for prayer, Confession, Mass, Adoration, and visiting with friends! A delicious lunch will be provided and after a full day of love, we will send you off with evening prayer.
You and your friends are who this day is for! Come, pray, rejoice!
You are blessed. You are beautiful. You are Beloved.
About our Speakers:

Laura Ricketts (Keynote: "Beloved Daughter of the Father"): Laura is a fierce spiritual daughter of St. John Paul II and a phenomenal Catholic speaker. She was the highest rated speaker at the 2016 Texas Pregnancy Care Network Conference, and is a recognized speaker on the topic of pregnancy loss, grief and healing, and marriage and family life. She combines her experience with her expertise to shine a magnificent light on what it means to BE a Beloved Daughter of God the Father! This is one talk you do not want to miss!
Theresa Martin (Afternoon talk: “Little Girl, Get Up”): Theresa is a mother forged in love, fire, tears, and hope. She is co-founder and Executive Director of the Wojtyla Community & Institute, published author and outstanding Catholic speaker. She fuses her knowledge as a theologian with her own life to reveal how a woman can “get up” in joy after a terrible challenge, what must happen to her heart to make that possible, and how her life will expand when she is able to fully embrace her identity as Beloved. Be ready to laugh, cry and have your heart lifted!
Fully Beloved: $75, includes Friday Evening and all day Saturday! (Best deal!)
Beloved One Day: $60, just Saturday
Friday Evening Only: $25
Student Discounts and Scholarships Available
Optional Addition: Overnight at Alverna Center: +$50