
Day of Fasting and Prayer for the Evangelization of the Diocese

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The Office of Missionary Discipleship encourages all so moved to join us in a monthly day of prayer and evangelization for the Diocese of Winona-Rochester. We will engage in a novena of prayer and fasting days, starting March 15, 2019.

What should we pray for?

We are praying for:

--friends and family who do not know the fullness of God’s love and care for them

--people who have drifted away from the Church, and are inactive, that they may be led to re-encounter Christ in his Church

--people in southern Minnesota who have never heard of God’s personal plan for their lives

--people in southern Minnesota who have rejected God, for their return

--people in our communities who are struggling to embrace what it means to be an adopted son or daughter of Christ in his Church

--people to recognize their vocations and live them out gratefully and fully

--the initiatives of different parishes and communities in this diocese designed to reach the spiritually lost: Alpha, ChristLife, discipleship quads, FOCUS, Renew, Saint Paul Street Evangelization teams, St. James’ Coffee, Cursillo, TEC, Retrouvaille, Unbound prayer teams, Catholic in Recovery, and others

--that we as the people of God will be an authentic and humble witness to the joy of the Gospel, confident not in our own abilities but in God’s support

--that all of us will take the responsibility to seek ways to deepen our individual relationships with Jesus Christ

--that as baptized disciples, we continue to recognize that we are called to propose the Gospel and help make new disciples

--that we are called to the Great Commission in our local communities


People are encouraged to pray and fast as they can for these intentions on their own.

Each month, a parish will host a mass or Holy hour for the evangelization of the diocese. All are welcome!

For more information, please contact Dr. Susan Windley-Daoust at .