
Building a Culture of Discipleship

9:00 a

August 26th and 27th, 2021


Ministry Day Documents:


Session Recording:

PowerPoint Presentations:

Presentation Handouts:


Catechetical Day Documents:


Session Recording:

PowerPoint Presentations:

Presentation Handouts:


Resources from M3 Ministries:


Presented by Deacon Keith Strohm

Deacon Keith has been working to help renew parishes across the United States by refocusing on the fuel of adult intentional discipleship, and especially tackling the challenge of "parish culture" -- what if you know there needs to be a shift toward mission, but no one else does? He is also the author of “Ablaze: Five Essential Paradigms Shifts for Parish Renewal”, “Jesus: The Story You Thought You Knew”, and “The 10 Biggest Lies of the Enemy and How to Combat Them”.

Article by Deacon Keith: Don't Mistake Motion for Mission