Statement on the Traditional Latin Mass in the Diocese


This morning, a blogger unrelated to the Diocese of Winona-Rochester posted an inaccurate comment about the future of the usus antiquior (i.e., the “Traditional Latin Mass”) in the diocese. Bishop Robert Barron, in his pastoral concern for all the faithful of his Diocese, including those with a special attachment to the Traditional Latin Mass, has no intention of eliminating the celebration of the Mass in this form in the Diocese of Winona-Rochester. Rather, in seeking to follow the Church’s laws more faithfully, the Diocese is currently in the process of discerning appropriate “locations where the faithful adherents of these groups may gather for the eucharistic celebration” which, as per the Vatican document Traditiones Custodes, are to be places other than parish churches. Every effort is being made to find sacred spaces for this purpose which suitably reflect the beauty and dignity of the liturgy.